On Thursday, May 30th, TenneT TSO B.V. visited the Delft University of Technology to deliver an amazing lunch lecture organized by Delft Sustainable Energy Association and Sterkstroomdispuut der ETV for…
On 24th April 2024, the new SSD board officially took charge of the SSD for the 2024-2025 year. The board is led by Evelien de Wolff, who is the president…
Christmas Lunch 2022
After two long years, the Sterkstroomdispuut could again organize the yearly Christmas lunch in the High Voltage Laboratory of the TU Delft!On December 9, 2022, the SSD board, students of…
Visit Royal SMIT Transformers
Did you know that one in six transformers in the USA is designed and manufactured by Royal SMIT Transformers B.V.? On Wednesday, 5th October 2022, Sterkstroomdispuut der ETV and master students from Electrical…
Hannover Messe 2022
On Monday May 30th, the Sterkstroomdispuut der ETV, along with the master’s students of Electrical Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technology of the Technische Universiteit Delft, travelled to Germany to attend Hannover Messe…
Visit DNV & KEMA Labs
On May 18th 2022, the Sterkstroomdispuut der ETV, along with the master’s student of Electrical Power Engineering (EPE) and Sustainable Energy Technology (SET) spent a day at Arnhem visiting DNV – Energy…
SSD AlumTalks
13:00-15:00|19th February 2021 Greetings from the Sterkstroomdispuut! The SSD will be hosting a 2-hour online session with five alumni from the graduate batch of 2020. This is an ideal opportunity…
We’re recruiting!!!
SSD Board ’21 Applications We have officially opened applications for students interested in becoming an SSD board member for the academic year 2020-2021. Send in your application via this link…
An Introduction to COMSOL Multiphysics for Electrical Power Engineers
12:30-15:30 | 26th of November 2020 With the onset of the second quarter, students in the EPE program enter into what is known as their specialisation courses. Unlike the common…
Enexis B.V.
12:00-13:00 | 30th of September 2020 The Smart Grids specialization of our Electrical Power Engineering(EPE) program broadly deals with studies related to the power system; how to study power flows…